Kikuyu Grass

Kikuyu Grass Lawn is a vigorous growing warm season lawn. It can handle a high amount of wear and recovers quickly from damage, making it suitable for highly used areas.

Kikuyu Lawn grows best in full sun, however will tolerate a small amount of shade. It is easy to grow and is quick establishing. Kikuyu has a good winter colour, unless you are in a heavily frost effected area.

Premium Variety Kikuyu Grass Australia

Kikuyu Lawn will go dormant during winter, meaning it will not actively grow although it will require sufficient regular mowing throughout the warmer months.

Kikuyu lawn is an affordable grass which makes it an ideal lawn for larger open areas such as Parks, Golf Course Fairways and Fields. If maintained Kikuyu turf will make pleasant lawn.

Free Lawn Care Guide for Kikuyu Grass – Call us Today!

Kikuyu Grass and Turf Characteristics

  • Shade Tolerance: Up to 30%
  • Durability: High
  • Winter Colour: Very Good
  • Mowing Frequency: High
  • Leaf Size: Fine
  • Kikuyu Turf recovers quickly from damage
  • Drought tolerant
  • Suitable Use: Sporting Fields, Parks, Play Grounds

Hi Quality Turf Sydney – Leading Kikuyu Growers

Hi Quality Turf Sydney has been in the turf industry for over 25 years. We have a reputation of being one of the best suppliers in Australia, and we’re proud to offer Kikuyu Grass. This is an article about how to care for it properly so that you can get maximum enjoyment from your purchase.

Top Kikuyu Growers in Australia – Shop Online

Kikuyu turf may need some extra care to establish itself if you have acidic soil and/or heavy clay content because they do poorly on these types of soils. It also requires twice as much fertilizer than other varieties so consider applying yearly fertilizing applications instead of every two years.

Advantages of Kikuyu Grass

  • Kikuyu Grass is a popular choice for all types of customers.

    Kikuyu Grass is a popular choice for all types of customers, because the blades are long and deep green. The grass also has a nice texture to it, so you can feel comfortable walking on it without feeling like there’s something crunching under your feet. It offers durability in both heat and cold climates which makes this variety an excellent option year round.

  • Kikuyu Grass Turf is Easy to Grow

    In order to get maximum enjoyment from Kikuyu Grass, we recommend that you water early morning or evening instead of midday when temperatures are at their highest point. This will help avoid stress on the plant as well as prevent disease since watering too often can cause fungus growth if left unattended for weeks at a time! We also suggest fertilizing every two months.
    Kikuyu Lawn grows best in full sun, however will tolerate a small amount of shade. It is easy to grow and is quick establishing. Kikuyu has a good winter colour, unless your soil is in a heavily frost effected area.

  • Kikuyu Grass has great drought tolerance and hardy.

    This lawn will naturally form a dense, soft carpet of green leaves which are slightly bluish in colour when mature. Kikuyu Lawn is very low maintenance as it has few insect or disease problems, does not require feeding during the growing season, tolerates foot traffic well and recovers rapidly from mowing without weakening! The only major pest that can affect this grass type is mole crickets (which should be dealt with by professionals).

  • FAQ's

  • What is Kikuyu Grass? 

    Kikuyu Grass is a robust warm-season lawn known for its rapid growth and resilience. It thrives in high-traffic areas and recovers quickly from damage, making it a great choice for heavily used spaces. 

  • Where does Kikuyu Grass grow best? 

    Kikuyu Grass prefers full sun but can tolerate some shade. It’s easy to cultivate and establishes quickly, making it suitable for various landscapes. 

  • How does Kikuyu Grass handle winter? 

    Kikuyu Grass goes dormant during winter, which means it stops actively growing. However, it still needs regular mowing throughout the warmer months to maintain its appearance. 

  • What are the benefits of Kikuyu Grass? 

    Kikuyu Grass is affordable for larger open areas like parks, golf course fairways, and fields. It provides a pleasant and functional lawn when properly maintained. 

  • Is Kikuyu Grass suitable for high-traffic areas? 

    Yes, Kikuyu Grass is highly durable and can withstand significant wear and tear. Its quick recovery from damage makes it an excellent choice for areas with heavy foot traffic. 

  • Does Kikuyu Grass require a lot of maintenance? 

    While Kikuyu Grass is low maintenance compared to other grass types, it still needs regular mowing during the growing season and occasional care to ensure its health and appearance. 

  • Can I grow Kikuyu Grass in partially shaded areas? 

    Kikuyu Grass can tolerate some shade but thrives best in full sun. If you’re planting it in a shaded area, ensure it receives adequate sunlight. 

  • How quickly does Kikuyu Grass establish itself? 

    Kikuyu Grass is known for its quick establishment. It typically grows and spreads rapidly, allowing you to enjoy a lush lawn in a relatively short period after planting. 

  • Does Kikuyu Grass maintain its colour during winter? 

    Kikuyu Grass retains its colour fairly well during winter unless you’re in an area heavily affected by frost. Its winter appearance remains relatively green compared to some other grass varieties.